
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Oh My God! I Love My Little Guy!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Did somebody say more accordion please? How sweet of you to care!

Sweet Sue. Again with Jason & Dennis. & La Paloma (just me and my accordion)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Schisms 1 (Vlog Practice)

This was my final project for school last semester. If you've seen this already, I am sorry to bore you with it, but I am testing my Vlogging ability with it. If you have not seen it, it is long, (like 13 minutes), and it is a show that I am creating and dream of having on T.V. someday.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

3d modeling assignment for school

Here is some more scoolwork:I made this in Cinema 4D,which is the greatest program ever.
This is an antique magic lantern,
based on the type used by the Freemasons.
Apparently all the lodges had these to show
the new apprentices weird tarot like images.
Its an early slide projector!
You can click on it to make it bigger.

The Sergeant. A machine for making artworks.

And, here is yet another video! This one stars my very own Giulietta Masina (Hannah!), And a very special guest: David Roth. I made this one last year and I hope someone out there enjoys this sort of thing. At least it's not as long as Schisms, and yes that is how the word "sergeant" is spelled. I looked it up like 10 times. I just couldn't believe my eyes for some reason.

Accordion Blogging

About 5 years ago my mom coaxed me in to learning the accordion. So, one Fall day she, my dad and I went shopping around for an instrument. It is a funny story filled with kismet, but the short story is that we met this wonderful woman named Helmi Harrington who wound up selling me and my mom accordions and giving us both lessons.
So, every Thursday for about 4 years I would pick up my mom and we would drive on out to Burnsville and take our lessons. I have been too busy to go for the last year or two but my mom is still going strong with the lessons and I try to keep practicing and learning as much as I can!

Anyway, here is a little tune called Moonglow that I recorded with some friends. I hope you enjoy it!

Old School Vlogging

I want to get a few more videos up here on Crinch so I can refer people to the blog if they need any video work done for them, so here is some more work, check it out if you love me!

My favorite place to shop.

Here is link you should check out
at your own risk if you like buying
interesting books (Sari?):
I have a bad addiction
to buying books from this place- thus
spending hundreds of dollars
that really should have been going to
my baby's college fund.
-Oh well! It sure will make for some interesting bed time reading.